Field Hire Terms & Conditions

Hire Terms and Conditions

Lights are required from 5pm April to November and from 6pm November - March

Peak Rates apply Monday to Friday 4pm - 11pm and  Saturday to Sunday 6am - 11pm from  January to September.

All other times are at Off-Peak Rates, these prices are available on application.

Bookings are to be made at least 48 hours in advance to assist with staffing and preparation.

For all booking enquiries please contact the club via email at

The Hirer agrees to all terms and conditions as per Redcliffe Leagues Club User Manual.

All prices are GST inclusive

Cancellation Fees

Cancellations are acceptable but must be in writing and forwarded to the club via 

Cancellations will be charged as follows:

Cancellation Notice                                           Fee
At least 48 hours                                                  Nil
Less than 48 hours but more than 24 hours        50%
Less than 24 hours                                              Full Charge

Repair / Restitution / Cleaning charges

Repair and restitution charges, which will be imposed for all damage caused, are to be invoiced at 100% of the direct and indirect cost. Cleaning charges include any grass or other material brought onto the artificial surfaces

Hiring Agreement

No use of the facilities by a hirer shall take place without a correctly completed and executed “Hiring Agreement”, in the formal RHC format, being in place.

Lights are required from 5 pm April to November and from 6 pm November to March.

For all booking enquiries please contact the 

The hirer agrees to all terms and conditions as per Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club User Manual. All prices are GST inclusive.

PL Lower matches start
BHL 4 - 7 grade matches start
March Committee Meeting
April Committee Meeting
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